Services for Helpers

Tailored therapeutic services to enhance personal well-being, manage stress, and foster resilience in both professional and personal realms.


Calling all therapists, teachers, educators, and healthcare professionals.

Are you a helping professional working in the fast - paced and complex field of healthcare or education? If the day to day pressures are piling up as you try to do more with less, if you are worried about burning out or are recovering from burnout, if you need support, supervision, coaching, mentoring or counselling you are in the right place.

We see you. We are you. We have programs and services here for you.

  • Clinical Supervision & Consultation Services

    Therapists need therapists. Whether you are new to the field or making changes to your practice, we’re here for you.

  • Therapy for Therapists

    We ensure therapists feel not only supported but truly understood, fostering a sense of solidarity and respect in both their personal and professional lives.

  • Mentorship Support

    At Cherry Tree, we are committed to offering the same kind of mentorship that has been instrumental in our own growth.

  • Teachers & Educators

    As teachers care for their students every day, they too deserve to be cared for in a special way from professionals who understand.

Register for 2024-2025 Focused Supervision Groups

Are you entering the field with a fresh perspective or exploring new horizons in your practice? We can serve as an anchor as you navigate challenges, uncertainties, and growth opportunities in your practice. At Cherry Tree, we build tight-knit support circles that thrive on supporting your toughest cases, building clinical skills, resolving uncertainty, and nurturing personal development. We are in this together.

Ready to expand your circle of professional support?